
We would love to get people involved in the house and garden tours, building the inventory, creating plaques, and the host of other fun things we are doing. Have a few hours to spare and want to help? Let us know!

Civic involvement

Decisions about the historic homes are made regularly by the Historic Preservation Committee and the Planning Board. We will let people know if there are items of interest to us. It would be great to have people attend and voice their opinion.

Heads up

One of the challenges with the older homes is that developers often approach the owners privately for sale and the general public never gets a chance to bid on the property and save it. If you are planning to sell your house, it would be great if you publicly listed the house for sale. Or if you know of someone that is planning to sell, let us know.

get a plaque

Adding a historic marker to your house helps celebrate and share the city’s rich history. We offer these plaques for free to pre-1900 homes. They are simple, noting the year the house was built. If you're interested, let us know!


There are so many smart and creative people here on the island. Let us know your ideas for helping to spread the word about the history and culture of the island!

sign up/follow

We have a Facebook page. Other social media pages to follow. If you could like and follow, that would be great. It helps spread the word. Also if you could join our mailing list, that will help us keep you informed.